The Stainless Mouse
by Filimon
Our last selection for March isn't really so much a mod as it is a collection of truly artistic creations. For so many case mods, the modder will spend months on a case that can knock your socks off. But rarely does that modder then spend even proportionate time making his or her peripherals look like something special - and these are the pieces that get used every day.
Russian modder Filimon didn't think this was very fair, and put his extreme casting talents to work on several mice. One of the mice illustrated here is already finished, but it's hard to show the others off without showing the beautiful work done on the completed project.
Each piece is individually cast from stainless steel, and even the USB connector gets a royal treatment. Though the individual projects don't yield an entire case, there's no doubt that Filimon's master casting talents create an interesting and beautiful treat for the eye (and hopefully hand!).

Filimon started each of his modding projects with the plastic, disassembled framework of the mouse. These pieces would then be used in the casting process.

It's hard to argue that the final product is absolutely beautiful. But is it practical? Well, Filimon thinks so...but sometimes functionality can take a bit of a back seat when the form is
this spectacular.

Here you can see the next mouse in its pieces, fresh from the casting. Note how unpolished the steel looks - the almost mirror-like finish gets added piece by piece after the cast.

The current mouse project is still in pieces...what will the final result look like? Only time (and Filimon's imagination) will tell.
Though it's a little unusual to include this type of worklog, we think you'll agree that Filimon's project is certainly worth some notice. We hope to see more of his great creations popping up
in his ongoing worklog.
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